
How to make a planter with pallets?

Today we will learn how to make a planter with wood recovered from pallets and avoid rotting wood with irrigation. A project with a spectacular result.

Necessary materials.

11 pallet strips of the size you want your planter to be.
A pair of gloves.
You will also need some fungicide and insecticide treatment.
A brush
White glue.
Anti drip acrylic.

How to make a cultivation table with pallets?

The urban gardens are becoming more fashionable every day in our cities, many of us start to grow our own vegetables in an ecological way and especially taking advantage of the terraces or balconies of our flats in the cities. This form of cultivation is very interesting and comfortable for urbanites who want to have contact with the land.

How to make a pool with 10 pallets?

How to make a pool with pallets? 

A few days ago, a German named Torben Jung shared his project this summer on Facebook. A large pool made of pallets, which became viral in a very short time around the world viral. To make this pool of cold water you will need 10 pallets and an approximate investment of 70 Euros.

If you like projects to reuse pallets, do not miss this: Plans to build furniture reusing pallets.

Original ideas for reusing pallets in the garden

We have selected some creative ways to reuse pallets in the garden, terrace or patio of your home, those pallets that usually end up in the garbage. If you are good at DIY and want sustainable designs, you will like these ideas so you can do it yourself. You will contribute to the environment, reducing waste and giving a second life to materials that can still be used.

Poplar Mushroom

Index poplar poplar mushroom, walnut index, electors can grow many trees such asbeech tree index. In addition, stalks, straw, hay and sawdust also grow in bales. Thisfungus is a type of mushroom that tastes the closest to red meat.

The Pearl Oyster Mushroom

Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), poplar mushroom, leaf mushroom, Oystermushroom lamellar Pale ((Pleurotus pulmonarius) are the types and names ..
Due to the form of oysters 'oyster mushroom' type of fungus called it, in many parts of the world in the form of clusters of deciduous trees will grow many times over. Often, very easy to grow in sawdust or straw is one of the popular fungi. Has a pleasant smell andtaste.

Planning Your Back garden For Summer

As winter weather begins to come to a close, many homeowners are turning their attention to the coming summer time season. This is the best season to think about planning your back garden for summer time enjoyment. By now, we are all desire to get outside more, at least when the elements permits; and since there is no rush to get everything accomplished by the weekend, it is local plumber start planning for back garden farming tasks. There are some elements that can be done this season in planning even if you plan on doing a complete back garden renovating project later in the season.

One of the first elements that can be done to prepare the back garden for summer time tasks and actions is to remove any dirt that has gathered during wintertime months season. There may be some stays, leaves and other dirt that needs to be cleaned out, or raked up and removed. You may also choose to toss any dead vegetation that remain from last season's farming or farming tasks.

It is a very great idea to examine various aspects and farming elements in the place. Extend up any decorative rocks or stones and create any necessary alternatives presently. Check your walls and other components to see what kinds of fixes may need to be made before the heat of summer time takes its toll on them once again.

There are many actions that can be carried out to start your summer time back garden farming tasks. It is okay to go forward and lay new compost in garden areas now. Depending on your location, you may go forward and start growing some kinds of plants and trees and shrubs that will be a part of your summer time farming. Now is also plenty of a chance to start growing lights for the flowers you will want to view and appreciate during summer time season season. Ensure that that the lights are satisfying choices and conditions will be favorable to their growth in your region. Getting ready to savor your back garden landscape designs in the summer time season season means starting some vegetation inside which will be placed outside in the garden as soon as the elements is permitting.

Pruning vegetation such as flowers can be done in planning for summer time season season as well. The general rule is that trimming can be done in several weeks that have an “r” in them. So you will want to have all of your outdoor vegetation, vegetation trimmed by the end of May.

This is also enjoyable to lay fresh seed for lawn. Simply break up the earth by using a rake; then drop the seed products around in the garden. Carefully " rake " across the seed products again to put them equally in the earth and water the place lightly. Grass seed products will soon develop and you will have a lovely, green garden to savor come summer time.

Mark is the owner of East Coast Landscape Style, and is a farming expert, he does landscape designs design in Bethesda MD, please visit, Backyard Landscape Designs to learn more about developing your ideal back garden.